Pharmaceutical Chemistry
We explore fundamental synthesis, biological mechanisms and receptor interaction with molecules of therapeutic relevance for better health. The course content is methodically structured and designed to prepare the students for a career in academia as well as pharmaceutical industry. In addition to this, the program empowers students to continue pursue higher studies and research activities. The department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Govindrao Nikam College of Pharmacy, Sawarde is one of the leading departments of its kind. At the graduate level, its mission is to provide superior graduate program provides comprehensive theoretical knowledge in variety of topics related to drug design, advanced topics in medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, process chemistry and analytical techniques to strengthen the base of undergraduates of their academic career. As part of this mission, the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry has reviewed and updated its graduate curriculum under the Mumbai University in the year 2016. It includes physical chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, General chemistry and Pharmaceutical Medicinal Chemistry, leading to M.Pharm, MS and PhD degrees while preparing graduates for careers in the pharmaceutical industry, academia and related fields. The practical exercises that have been framed helps the students to get practical skills in diverse areas like analytical techniques, drug synthesis, natural product isolation, physicochemical properties, separation techniques etc. Seminars are part of the training program and it provides opportunity to develop good communication and presentation skills.