Guest Lecture-1

Campus to Corporate


Google meet online platform


15/06/2021 at 10.30 am

Resource Person:

Mr. Prasad Bhagwat, B. Pharm, MMM 

Head-Industry-Institute Interaction and placement at

Shree Santkrupa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghogaon

Number of Students Participated:


Preparation for interview is a crucial step in the career of a professional. Finding right place for a right person in right organization need guidance from expert. On 15th June had been organized session on “Campus to Corporate”. Total 71 participants could benefited by the session.

The discussion was focused on:

1. Present status of Pharma industry.

2. Expectations of corporate world.

3. Basic preparation required.

4. Entry, seating and exit.

5. Presenting oneself & documents.

6. Interactions.

7. Closing the interview.

8. Second interview tips.

9. Challenges for freshers in the corporate world.

10. Essential qualities needed for fresh Pharmacy graduates.

11. Negative factors -may affect interview performance.

12. Commonly asked interview questions.